LDA seals complex behind incident spot in Transport Nagar

Lucknow Development Authority
  • Lucknow Development Authority team surveyed all the buildings built nearby after the building built on plot number-54 collapsed
  • The complex built on plot number-C-41 behind the incident spot was sealed due to the high possibility of damage to its structure
  • From the point of view of security, any kind of activity in the building will be prohibited till the structural audit is completed

Lucknow: After the incident of sudden collapse of the building built on plot number-C-54 in Transport Nagar of Kanpur Road Scheme, the team of Lucknow Development Authority has surveyed all the buildings built nearby. Under this, the complex built on plot number-C-41 right behind the incident spot was sealed due to the high possibility of damage to its structure. This building will remain sealed till the structural audit is completed and from the point of view of security, any kind of activity will be prohibited here.

Lucknow Development Authority Vice Chairman Prathamesh Kumar said that due to the sudden collapse of the building constructed on plot number-C-54 of Transport Nagar situated on Kanpur Road Scheme, a survey of the surrounding buildings has been conducted for safety.

Due to the high possibility of damage to the building constructed on plot number-55 situated next to it, it was sealed on Sunday till further orders.

On Monday, Engineering Block-2 Executive Engineer Ajay Goyal and Assistant Engineer Urvashi Srivastava along with the team also surveyed the buildings behind it. It was found that the complex constructed on plot number-C-41 right behind the incident spot is also likely to be damaged due to the falling of debris.

In such a situation, keeping the security in mind, the said complex has also been sealed till further orders. The structural audit of these buildings will be conducted by the team of National Forensic Science University, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, and the seal of the buildings will be opened only after the report is received.

He said that the team of National Forensic Science University will reach Lucknow on Tuesday morning and start the investigation. Vice Chairman Prathamesh Kumar said that the investigation team constituted by the government under the chairmanship of Secretary, Home Department has started investigating the causes of the incident.

Zonal Officer of Enforcement Zone-2 Atul Krishna Singh, Deputy Secretary Madhvesh Kumar from Property Section, Assistant Engineer RK Awasthi from Map Section and Junior Engineer Ritupal from Engineering Zone-2 have been nominated under the supervision of Additional Secretary Gyanendra Verma to provide assistance from the authority level in the investigation.

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